Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Text File
272 lines
New in this Version: (V 2.19.2 / 20.12.1999)
(at the end you find info's about printout's and special's ( *-> )
V 2.19.1: Fixed a bug in the installer script
V 2.19.2: Updated français catalog included
New russian catalog and Check_Your_System included
Change in install script for russian and setting user
mode to expert before copy the library's to skip this
part, if needed.
New version identification:
The search for version numbers work's now nearly perfect. Based on a
new idea I rewrite the search and analyse of the $VER-string.
This new function is faster and find such versions, they are not found
before. Only in one reason, the search failed: If the version is not
numeric or has a VERSION.REVISION as MINIMUM! More ok, shorter: NO!
I know only TWO file where this is so. In one is the version 1.L (what
causes much problems in c:version!). The second is a library with
the version V1. Great! Check it with c:version and this program don't
know, what cat it do. So it do VERSION name FULL or simple: It cry's
for help!
What do, if such libs found?
MOVE to STORAGE to check out with program such library use. Often, the
program dosn't exist anymore or is updated and don't use this lib in the
actual version. If you can be 100% shure that don't need this library,
delete and bann them from your system. If you find put that the library
is in use, inform the author of the library, to correct the resident tag
and the $VER: to a correct format. Inform also the author of the application
that use this library that he needs a library what isn't systemconform, and,
e.g. do not correct work in systems with WB2.0. In future it is possible that
new systems for Amiga and cloned systems also make problems with such
I ignore such single problems now for a faster and better function.
Statistic requester:
Based of an idea, reached per eMail, from Michael Malyshev
<michael_malyshev@mail.ru>, the compare has now a little statistic.
The special is, at the end of a scan you see a comment, added by
VersCheck. I hope, you have enough black humor for that.With -# can
be used do deactivate the function. Default is set by environment or ON!
More info's about this function? Check it out!
P.S.: The requester is at the moment only in german or english!
Locale (.catalog's):
Because the new function uses new catalog's, I've checkt all old function
part's and put also older, forgotten text to the locale.
Looking in ENV:VCheck you will find many little files. This are:
- VersIM1, VersIM2, VersIM3, VersIM4, VersDoc and VersDir:
This is the installer setup from last install as default at next update.
- VersCom
(default inside: VERSION). Needs to change name or path for external
version command. PLEASE DON'T USE VERSIONWB because this will force
problems in the CheckGuides!
- VersCOL
includes 16(+) line. Any line is the Ansi-setup for a output line from
verscheck. Discription below.
- The new default setup for the requester in VersCheck V2.19 (default is
NOT(!) compatible to older version):
- VersIFS = info requester
0 = OFF
1 = ON is the default
Argument '-!' toggle
- VersSTR = NO statistic requester
1 = no request
0 = show this requester is the default
Argument '-#' toggle
- VersNRQ = NO requester
1 = no requester
0 = requester allowed is the default
Argument '-n' toggle
- VersHTM = html request return value
0 = no output
1 = create update forms is the default
Argument '-o' toggle
You can use this to change the default but the switches work's
than reverse! Be carefull. This is, what I mean with toggle:
If ENV: set to ON the argument set it to OFF.
If ENV: set to OFF the argument set it to ON.
And if the argument used more times, it goes ON/OFF.
The Argument DON'T change the ENV:
ANSI output (de-)activate and usage:
Long time ago, I begin the work an a little styling function. The
functions are now useable and I have finished the work. No big help
or doc (see AmigaDOS documentation for ansi, line discription here).
All lines can now displayed negativ, highlighted, colored, big or in many other ways. Used is
ANSI. Ansi exists in the DOS-CLI/-Shell. At this time you can only
set the values at the begin of line, all other is hardcoded in
*** YOU MUST KNOW, HOW ANSI WORK! *** For insiders: **************
CSI and m are fixed, value inserted from simple config file
'Env:VCheck/VersCOL'. You can set all value's that allowed between
esc[ and m. Also from 0 upto 9 (attributes), 30 upto 37 foreground
and 40 upto 47 for the background. Combination like 0;3;45 are
You find a demo in configuration in the archive of this version.
Deactivate: Simply remove the config file from ENV: and/or ENVARC:
About the config: Useable with 4 color's and regulary WB color
setting for the first four colors. If you are using a CLI with 8 or
more colors you can use more colors.
WARNING! This function takes, whatever in the file set. No check or
such things. If you write bad strings, the function takes it and
ansi will display it, but this forces broken or unreadable output.
Second problem: If you set foreground and background to same values
you will see nothing!
== LINES IN THE FILE: ==============================================
Line | descryption (without warranty):
1 | all line without setting, like ths --- line between the files
2 | version new: "file unknown in list"
3 | version ok
4 | version new (but in the list!)
5 | version old
6 | version line "problem with version"
| (what to do: kill the file or the author or send
| him a copy of the Rom Kernal Manual to read them)
7 | fileinformation and filename
8 | version line "VersCheck"
9 | version line "c:version"
10 | version line "list"
11 | system information (kickstart/workbench)
12 | output of a warn/xxx file
13 | help text if using -?
14 | error messages at program start
15 | LISTMODE: directory header
16 | filename in verbose, path see 19 (-v)
17 | cli output of requester "you find the results in ram"
18 | system information (cpu/fpu/mmu/ppc)
19 | fullpath (-f) without filename! The name is print later
| and set with line 16 (because this function print add name!
Requester now ASL:
The problem with the requesters from the older versions are fixed
and the asl requester activated. ReqTools is not longer needed or
WARNING for GERMAN! UPDATE the locale catalog files or you will see
all new text in english!
Check_Your_System changed to work correct with the ENV: settings.
Install script:
After install V2.19 the system should be reboot or a program like
FLUSHLIBS must be used to clear the old catalog files from memory.
Of cource, if you have not started VersCheck before you make the
new installation, this isn't need!
The script was changed for multiple things:
- In the past ENV: was not updated, only envarc: so that after an
update the system has to reboot for correct environment. Now both
area's are updated.
- Add new information at the begin and the end of the installer script,
e.g., version and date.
- Change and add installing of the documents, because they are renamed
and new files added.
Bugfix: (memory fault):
Bugfix: Since using the new ppc-library-emulation the library check causes
an error: 0 bytes allocated and after them max int bytes allocated.
Then VersCheck crashes. I detect the library who forces this crash and
locked in the binary for $VER:, to see what happens here.
The problem: "$VER:<NULL>" gives a empty env-variable and this, read with
getenv from vbcc crashes! Fixed. Now the function looking before read how
many bytes the env count's. Read now only, if a minimum of 3 bytes are
in the env.var!
The new ppc.emu [ppc.library 46.21 (12.12.99) Emulation v0.7 by
Frank Wille <frank@phoenix.owl.de>] found an other problem. If checking
an elf.-file it isn't need to test the resident tag of m68k. But, even
this was done in the past. Normally the function returns with a NOT FOUND
and end's. But now a svppc driver exists who has the code for the resident
tag without such a tag (in m68k is this forbidden, but this is a elf-PPC
executable with totally other code). Result: MEMORY FAULT. Problem found
and fixed.
Bad code cleared:
The variable ENV:VCheck/VersCOM has read any time before the version was
checked with the external program (c:version). This isn't need and now
the variable is read at program start. This make the program faster and
that is the better way to do it.
I can't remember, why I programmed this so in the past. I think, I've
only not realised that this is an multiple read.
^^^^ END OF NEWS ^^^^
^^^^ ^^^^
Additional information to the output:
=== What will VersCheck say, if it display special things like *-> ===
1.) Printline "VersCheck" , field "Name"
VersCheck prints a name like 'hello.library hello'
This isn't a special, this is best view you can get! If you see
this, the resident tag is filled 100% correct in both alpha num
fields. Because this is in must library's NOT so, I take first the
field NAME and then the field VERSION and cat both strings to one.
Only, if both strings are correct filled the result like above can
2.) Line "VersCheck" and line "c:version" show different versions. And
at the resultline (old,new,ok) is a * at the beginning before ->
This mean's 'CAUTION!', the $VER: and the resident tag have
differnt versions. A function in VersCheck try to analyse this and
give the best result, VersCheck can find. In simple form's: both
version older as the list: must be older. Both newer as list, must
be newer. And so on. The full function is complexer but VersCheck
can so printing a hopefully right result. To say you, it can be a
wrong result the * is set to this lines. Normally a * isn't a char
in a directory or filename (ok, you can create such files, but this
brings only trouble). If you take the AllXXXX file and search
inside for a * you find all critical entry's and not more or less.
3.) The line "VersCheck" or the line "c:version" is not displayed.
The line VersCheck" is normally every time displayed, but both have
the same reason: The function to find $VER: (or in VersCheck the
additional resident tag) are failed and so the entry is empty. And
this empty entry isn't displayed.
If both lines not displayed, the file seem's to be corrupt or is
very bad coded.
Check such files with a program that can expand packed files. This
can also be a reason, but then is the auto entpacking not working!
The check take CheckX from Aminet or every newer anti virus program
you like. They all can decrypt. For SAVE the decrypt file, I know
only CheckX has this function at the moment.